The war of the worlds THE END.... - Collège Saint-Michel

The war of the worlds THE END....

mercredi 30 avril 2014
par  3ème euro - groupe 10

I ran as fast as I could then a trip ed on a mine off and when I was on the floor a corpse talked to me (this was probably my imagintion playing tricks on me) and I listenningto him because he got a good idea to defeat the Titan and I would go the Military camp to take arms but in panic missed my way. When I arrivedat the camp one tripod had already destroyedthe neihbourghood and I looked in the rubble a the end I found some minie an guns

I went back where the first tripod was I shot but he was by metal I would made from kill him to avenge his victims and when I got on the roof of a building I was not seized by terrorand I jumped on him to destroyed his eyes I had already put the mine on the floor. The tripod threw me on a buildaing and walked on a mine the sound called lot of other Titan. They were custering around a corpse.

I was so scared th terror seized me I didn’t know what I needed to do I could not bring myself. I needed die to save the worlds...
I thought back to the corpse and remember his idea so would get the first tripod to take control over him and persuade the other tripod to return on their planet. After my speech I disconnectged the tripod to pretend to be dead

Two years later the worlds recovered and I xas elected president of United States
At the end when I was died I had already been awarded of the Legion of Honor.....

Anaëlle Didailler.


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